Shingle Mill – Watch the shingles be cut as a large slabs of wood from the sawmill is run thru the fine blade of the shingle mill.  The shingles are cut one at a time and ready for use.  Then watch as the Shingles are branded with the year, and after they have cooled you are welcome to take one home.

Saw Mill – You will be amazed at the saw mill as the steamer pulls into place and connects to run the huge blade.  You can watch up close as the team of workers guides the long logs into place to be cut into rough lumber.  This is team work at its finest.


Threshing – The crowd will gather around as the tractor hooks up the belts to the large dinosaur looking equipment called separators.  The team will begin pitching the grain from the racks into the separators and begin the process for separating the grain from the heads and steam.

Rock Crusher - Help crush rocks using our rock crusher powered by a steam engine

Western Dakota Antique Club

Black Hills Threshing Bee